Just released report on the single and multi-family building. As with all aspects of the real estate industry..this is a mixed report…. From CNBC: Total starts fell 5.8 percent, driven by a nearly 20 percent drop in multi-family. Single family was essentially flat month-to-month. But remember, multi-family is a very volatile number and can swing 20-30 percent monthly due to large local projects. Yes, they are both ahead from last year, but 2011 was the worst year in the history of U.S. home building. “Good News on Housing Permits More Than Offsets the Bad News on Starts”— HIS Global Insight […] Click Here To View More
Agent Education, Conferences & Meetings, construction, Distressed Property News, Investor News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate university, strategic short sale, Tim & Julie Present
I Love this CNBC Video….(So will you) ….believe it or not…good news for housing! If Real estate websites are any indication, how many clicks turn into closed real estate transactions start with visits to the major real estate sites. Zillow, Trullia, Realtor.com etc. To make this simple for you: Old way of predicting future home sales: Open House Traffic. New way of predicting future home sales: Visits to Real Estate web sites. The assumption is that the number of clicks is an early indicator that the number of buyers in the next 90 days is increasing. Get this, all the […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Coaching & Training, Diana Olick, Market Conditions, National Real Estate News & Comment, Predictions, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, Real Estate Industry – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate agents
This video is worth watching. Provides a very clear view real estate home values for the last 100+ years. (inflation adjusted) Pay very close attention to the 2000-2007 time frame. Clearly shown is the fact that never before has there been a real estate bubble as extreme as the one that ended with in 2007. Also worth noting, real estate values during the Great Depression. THIS real estate crash has resulted in MORE home value loss ever….yes, this crash is worse than the crash in the Great Depression. Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Coaching & Training, Home Values, Market Conditions, Market Conditions & Predictions, Money, National Real Estate News & Comment, Predictions – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, distressed property designation, foreclosure listings, freddie mac, harris real estate university, national association of realtors, tim harris
Home prices continue their downward spiral in January, with average U.S. prices retreating to summer 2003 levels, according to the closely watched S&P Case-Shiller home-price indexes. Pain was widespread, but the usual suspects remain battered: Las Vegas, Miami, Phoenix and Detroit sank to their lowest levels since prices peaked back in 2006 and 2007. Ouch! This is just another piece of evidence that housing won’t be healing anytime soon. From CNBC.com’s Diana Olick: So how much lower will prices overall go? 5 percent? More? Yes, we saw an improvement in contracts signed to buy homes in February, and some claim that […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, CNBC Videos, Coaching & Training, Diana Olick, Distressed Property News, Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Predictions, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, distressed property designation, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, realtor coaching, reo-foreclosure, Short Sale Training, Tim & Julie Present
The REO listing moratorium is OVER…especially if you are a Fannie Mae Listing Agent. Starting last week we heard from agents all over the US that the Fannie Mae REO assignments were increasing. If you have waited to become a REO listing agent…wait no more. Watch this FREE video to learn exactly how to you can list REOs…and download the FREE How-To List REOs book. Here is a great CNBC video about Fannie Mae REO Listings: Click Here To View More
Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, foreclosure, foreclosures, freddie mac, HREU, short sale, Short Sale Training
Breaking Housing News… National Association of Realtors home sales data shows continued home value loss….and LPS reports on the simply massive number of bank Shadow Inventory of soon to be foreclosures…4 million foreclosures are expected over the next 24 months! There are 2 things we know for sure…without any doubt, foreclosures will increase. AND the need for qualified agents to list and sell them will increase dramatically. Its not too late for you to become a REO Listing Agent. Watch the FREE Agent REO Secrets video and download the FREE how to list REOs book. Question for you..do you think […] Click Here To View More
Market Conditions & Predictions – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure listings, foreclosures, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, Short Sale Training, tim and julie harris, Tim Realtor, Videos
Breaking News: National Association of Realtors…existing home sales fall off a cliff (should be no big surprise) National Association of Realtors partially blames the tighter lending standards for the drop in sales…and we 100% agree. The mortgage qualification pendulum has swung way too far and now qualified borrowers are being locked out. Some of the reasons would be home buyers are being rejected for a government backed loan make no sense. Listen to the recent interview with Bank of America’s #1 Loan Officer to learn about the new mortgage standards. Click Here To View More
NAR News – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure, nar, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, Short Sale Training, Superstar Interviews, tim and julie harris, Videos
Here are today’s real estate headlines: * Homes loans due or in foreclosure..13.78%. That is a record. For reference sake: in the Great Depression homes fell in value 25.9% (1929-1933). In this current housing depression homes nationally have dropped 25%. All indications are that by the time this housing depression is over the total value loss will be far greater than ever the Great Depression. There are 13.9 million underwater homeowners, 25% off all owners with a mortgage are now underwater. * NEW foreclosure filings hit a record high. * Excess supply of foreclosures expanding due to delays caused by […] Click Here To View More
Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure listings, foreclosures, HREU, short sale, tim harris, Tim Realtor
Many interesting things to pay attention to in this CNBC video… …most notably, the Obama Administration official is making it clear that they are going to be moving forward with foreclosures…and…selling the homes as REOs. At this point its clear that if these home must be sold…and the homeowner doesn’t sell as a short sale…the property must be sold as a REO. Distressed homes MUST be sold… This never ending housing death spiral ends when homes are owned by folks who will make their payments. Here is the video: Click Here To View More
Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure, foreclosure listings, freddie mac, gmac mortgage, hafa forms, reo-foreclosure, robo signers, short sale, tim harris, Videos
URGENT HOUSING ALERT! As we have been predicting since the beginning of this year….Housing IS taking a double dip in values. Agents, you must know your local market stats. After you have watched this video your assignment is to get into your MLS and study your local market trends. Your real estate clients, your BPOs…you REO asset managers expect you to know your market statistics. Here is the breaking CNBC News: Click Here To View More
Market Conditions & Predictions – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure, foreclosure listings, Harris Realtor Coaching, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, shortsale forms, strategic foreclosure, Videos
Listen to the FREE Replay of this event NOW. Tim and Julie Harris Superstar Interview. Join Tim and Julie Harris for this week’s FREE Superstar Interview. This week’s free training call is all about effective lead follow up. Tim and Julie Harris estimates that the average agent loses a minimum of 10 sales per year to ineffective, inefficient lead follow up. In this market, agents must know exactly what to say and how to say it to set maximum appointments. The more appointments you set, the more money you’ll make, it’s that simple. What is included in today’s powerful session? […] Click Here To View More
Coaching & Training, Superstar Interviews – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, Events, foreclosure listings, foreclosures, freddie mac, Harris Realtor Coaching, national association of realtors, Q&A, reo-foreclosure, short sale, strategic short sale, Superstar Interviews, Tim & Julie Present
Diana Olick from CNBC has shared her insights on Fannie Mae foreclosures…and the fact that Fannie is swimming in foreclosures (REOs) Fannie Mae is now offering Realtors a $1500 cash BONUS for selling one of their foreclosures. As we post yesterday, its NOT to late for YOU to become a REO Listing Agent. Realtors, its a simple case of too many foreclosure listings for the market to handle. Watch the how to become a REO Listing Agent video we created for you. So it seems Fannie Mae is doing all it can to unload its massive quantities of REO inventory. […] Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, Federal Reserve System, harris real estate, Harris Realtor Coaching, national association of realtors, short sale, Tim & Julie Present, tim harris
Great CNBC video about the Obama Housing Programs that are working….and not working. There is no question that in most of the country the home values are in a free for all. Tim and Julie Harris has been advocating that keeping homeowners…in their homes is the best solution. When that isn’t possible owners should be given a graceful exit working with a lender approved ASD (Accredited Short Sale Designation) Realtor. Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure, foreclosures, freddie mac, hafa forms, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, housing market, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, strategic foreclosure, Videos
As predicted on this blog…the foreclosure moratorium season has begun in earnest…expect more lenders to enact moratoriums over the next few months.. (Skeptics might see political motivations in play…being that this is a mid-term election year….hmmmmm) Directly from Bloomberg: Ally Financial Inc.’s GMAC Mortgage unit told brokers and agents to halt evictions tied to foreclosures on homeowners in 23 states including Florida, Connecticut and New York. GMAC Mortgage may “need to take corrective action in connection with some foreclosures” in the affected states, according to a two-page memo dated Sept. 17 marked “urgent.” Ally Financial spokesman James Olecki confirmed the contents of […] Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, foreclosures, freddie mac, hafa forms, harris real estate, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, Short Sale Training, strategic foreclosure, strategic short sale, tim and julie harris, Videos
Breaking Housing News! Out just this morning: RealtyTrac just reported that … The number of U.S. homes seized in foreclosure has SOARED 25% TO A NEW, ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH! * 1,200,000 REOs THIS YEAR alone * Nearly 400,000 owners received a NOD last month * We have reported that the banks are controlling the supply of housing by NOT filing the NODs. Remember, the NOD is the first step in a foreclosure. Why? Because they know the market will totally crater if they were to actually proceed on the reported 5,000,000 borrowers who are at least 60 days late! Agents, read […] Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure listings, freddie mac, real estate agents, reo-foreclosure, short sale, Short Sale Training, tim harris, Washington
The housing double dip is here…, there can be no doubt. Long time readers of this blog know that we have been predicting a double dip in home values for well over a year. (Watch our 2011 real estate market prediction videos now. ) …. in virtually every real estate market across the US home values will fall as much as another 10-15%. There are exceptions. As an agent you must be an absolute master of your market statistics. You have to know your market…know what is selling and what isn’t. In every market in the US (even the hardest […] Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure listings, national association of realtors, short sale, strategic foreclosure, strategic short sale, Tim & Julie Present
Why did housing crash…again? That IS the question…. The National Association of Realtors July home sales resulted in a nearly 30% decrease in home sales. That is a far greater decrease in sales than expected (even by us) Interesting CNBC analysis about what is happening now…and what will happen next for housing (and our economy). After you watch this new video be sure to check out the new videos that will show you what to expect for the rest of 2010 into 2011. Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, foreclosure, foreclosure listings, foreclosures, hafa forms, harris real estate, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, housing market, national association of realtors, reo-foreclosure, short sale, tim and julie harris, tim harris, Videos
CNBC’s Diana Olick shares the latest housing numbers…..(not great news for home sellers.) 25% of existing home sellers have dropped their prices…making paper losses for those owners over 30 BILLION! Bottom line, prices ARE falling again…we ARE in a double dip. Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, Videos
In the past if the Fed wanted to spur economic activity they lowered the Fed lending rate. Now that mortgage interest rates are at a historic low (4.5% for a 30 year fixed rate!) the big question is… Why aren’t more homes being sold? Great video from CNBC that explains why low rates are not resulting in increasing home sales. Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, bpo assignments, bpo forms, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, foreclosure, freddie mac, harris real estate, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, housing market, HREU, national association of realtors, Q&A, real estate agents, reo-foreclosure, short sale, tim harris, Videos, Washington
S&P/ Case-Shiller Housing Index Results Released. The state of the U.S. economy is worrisome and there is a high possibility of a double-dip recession, one of the property market’s most well-known economists said Tuesday. Robert Shiller, professor of economics at Yale University and co-developer of Standard and Poor’s S&P/Case-Shiller home price indexes, told Reuters Insider he does not know where home prices may be headed, but believes the economy may be on a precarious path. “For me a double-dip is another recession before we’ve healed from this recession … The probability of that kind of double-dip is more than 50 […] Click Here To View More
Uncategorized – #1 realtor coach, bpo assignments, Breaking Real Estate News, Diana Olick, fannie mae, Federal Reserve System, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, Julie Realtor, reo-foreclosure, Videos