Mortgage rates for 30-year fixed mortgages rose this week, with the current rate borrowers were quoted on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace at 4.45 percent, up from 4.37 percent. Click Here To View More
Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Real Estate, Columnists, Finance, mortgage, Mortgage Rates, Zillow, zillow mortgage marketplace – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, real estate coaching, real estate training, tim and julie harris
Is it too late for you….did you wait too long…can you still make 2013 your best year ever? Absolutely! Good News: Distractions and excuses end today. The Summer is ‘officially’ over and the kids are back at school… The overall market conditions are very much working for you..the wind is at your back provided you take action. – There IS still time for you to make 2013 your best year ever. There IS still time for you to make this holiday season the best ever. There IS still time for you and your family to have a dream vacation. There […] Click Here To View More
Agent Education, Breaking Real Estate News – real estate business plan, real estate coaching, real estate training, realtor coaching, tim and julie harris
Loads of agents know firsthand that an uptick in buyer activity and some loosening of lending purse-strings can result in a particular flavor of supply-demand imbalance we call “a seller’s market.” A recent Trulia study proved this market season is just that: 75 percent of surveyed consumers said it’s better to buy a home now […] Click Here To View More
Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Real Estate, Columnists, sellers – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, real estate university, tim and julie harris
Tim and Julie Harris Daily Motivational Message. Listen in as Tim and Julie Harris share ways for top agents around the world to stay motivated everyday. STOP! Do you need listings NOW? Of course you do. Direct assignment pre-approved short sale listing leads emailed to you. Major lenders Chase, BofA, Wells. Become a Lender Preferred Short Sale Agent. FREE Short Sale Industry Event. Warning: First 700 agents only. Register now! Click Here To View More
Daily Motivational.. – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, hafa forms, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, tim and julie harris
How to make MORE MONEY in LESS time following HREU Daily Minimum Standards. Parkinson’s Law says that “work expands to fill the time allotted for it’s completion”. Pareto’s Principle says that “20% of your time creates 80% of your results.” Taken together, these points should cause you to be introspective as a skilled and focused prospector. You create your business instead of waiting for it to create you. What are the activities that generate the most results for you? (Usually that also means the most income.) Most agents aren’t aware of where their business actually comes from. Do […] Click Here To View More
15-year fixed mortgage, 30-year fixed mortgage, Agent Education, borrower confidence, Distressed Property News, foreclosure, Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News, Foreclosures, Market Conditions & Predictions – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate university, tim and julie harris
Think your real estate investment decisions should focus on potential appreciation? Think again. The real estate market is in such flux that it’s impossible to know […] Click Here To View More
Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Homes, Celebrity Real Estate, Columnists, Featured, Featured Home, Tips & Advice – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, tim and julie harris
Fantastic Breaking News…Highest First Quarter Pending Home Sales in 5 YEARS! THIS is the exact news that the Big Banks have been waiting for….expect a significant INCREASE in REO listings and Short Sale approvals over the next 12 months. Bottom line, this IS the bottom of the 7 year housing crash (thank God!) Here is the full report from our friends at the National Association of Realtors: (CNBC Video follows) Pending home sales increased in March and are well above a year ago, another signal the housing market is recovering, according to the National Association of Realtors(R). The Pending Home […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, CNBC Videos, Coaching & Training, Diana Olick, Distressed Property News, foreclosure, Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News, Foreclosures, How To List REO’s, Market Conditions & Predictions, Market Trends, NAR News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, Real Estate Industry, Real Estate News, real estate training short sale – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, realtor coaching, strategic foreclosure, tim and julie harris
Will the landmark 2007 Mortgage Debt Relief Act be extended beyond its current Dec. 31, 2012 date? Under curent U.S. tax law law, a homeowner with an underwater mortgage who goes through a short sale (or foreclosure) has part of his debt forgiven by a bank will in most cases not owe any added income tax. ( See your accountant or CPA) This forgiven debt had been treated as a ‘gift’ from the bank. As a gift, that money is income and taxable by the IRS when the homeowner fills out his yearly income taxes. However, the 2007 Act (effective […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Distressed Property News, foreclosure, Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News, Foreclosures, Market Conditions – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training
Short sales, deficiency judgments….questions and answers. Question: This is a real question from a real homeowner who sold their home as a short sale over a year ago. “What should I do if I get a collections notice after a short sale closes….in other words, the lender is threatening a deficiency judgment or has (maybe wrongfully) obtained a deficiency judgment against me?” Answer: Assuming your agent was HREU trained and followed the HREU short sale process there won’t be a deficiency judgment. There is a more or less standardized process for closing short sales. Most major lenders follow the exact […] Click Here To View More
Coaching & Training, Foreclosure, REO, Short Sale News, Market Conditions, Market Conditions & Predictions, Predictions – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, strategic short sale
Attention: Tim and Julie Harris students (and future students) Subject: Banks Forced To Release More REOs…NOW! Source: REO Auctions Should See Uptick Soon Lenders are starting to get the picture that they can’t keep REO properties in their portfolio forever, according to a new analysis from The practice the company has dubbed “extend and pretend” — which refers to banks “extending” the holding period of a property in their portfolio while “pretending” that the value is still what it used to be when they made the loan — seems to no longer be applicable. Federal regulators are now […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Market Conditions, NAR News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Predictions, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, Real Estate Industry, Real Estate News – #1 real estate coach, 2011 real estate predictions, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, fannie mae, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, real estate university
A new report from Trulia says the average home seller cut his price by 8 percent and that $24 billion worth of home equity vanished last year, says CNBC’s Diana Olick. Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, CNBC Videos, Coaching & Training, Money, National Real Estate News & Comment – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, harris real estate university, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, reo-foreclosure, Tim & Julie Present
Agents, read this ASAP….we have very special Superstar interview for you this week.. Listen NOW to the replay! ….Chris Heller..Top Producing agent and President of Keller/ Williams International…is this weeks Tim and Julie Harris Superstar. I know you will want to listen NOW to this free real estate training event. ****** CLICK THIS LINK NOW… ****** Chris Heller interview Questions: * Where do you sell real estate? * How long have you sold real estate? * What did you do before you decided to be a Realtor? Listen NOW to the replay! * Tell us about your market? * […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Coaching & Training, Superstar Interviews – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, chris heller, distressed property designation, fannie mae, foreclosure, foreclosure listings, freddie mac, housing market, HREU, keller williams, national association of realtors, real estate training
Agents, are you aware of the fact that new lending requirements (Starting NEXT MONTH) will require 20% down payments on mortgages. Yes, you read that correctly…20% down will be the new minimum requirement thanks to the new QRW Lending Rules. Welcome to the new world of QRM: Qualified Residential Mortgage The new QRM requirements exclude FHA mortgages. However, as you will learn in this video the NAR believes that higher downpayment loan requirements will trickle down to FHA loans as well. With non-FHA mortgages putting less than 20% down will require a very nasty interest rate and other added fees. […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Coaching & Training, Financing, Market Conditions & Predictions, Mortgages, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo forms training, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, fannie mae, harris real estate university, national association of realtors, real estate training
Hold the press….here is a video from a Boston TV station that is reporting that…wait for it..wait for it…..NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Yep, thats right…positive real estate news! Granted, the experts interviewed for this story are an agent and a loan officer. Lets not be skeptics… its good news (literally) and we will take it! Here is the video: Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Coaching & Training, Consumers, Market Conditions, Market Conditions & Predictions, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate, Real Estate Advice, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, Breaking Real Estate News, distressed property designation, foreclosure listings, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, Superstar Interviews, tim and julie harris
Do you know who Milton Friedman was? You should. What Dr. Friedman has to say it more relevant now than ever. I first was introduced to Dr. Friedman indirectly by my Father. I have very clear memories of Dad watching Dr. Friedman on this (the first video) episode of Phil Donahue from 1979! (I was 9) As we expand this site into its new format ( if you want a sneak peek) there will be more attempts at expanding your thinking. Expect more videos from Dr. Friedman… Here are 3 classic Friedman videos. Watch these 3 videos and let everyone […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, Tim & Julie Present – #1 real estate coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, distressed property designation, fannie mae, Harris Realtor Coaching, national association of realtors, real estate training, REO listing agent
Are we in the midst of shift away from the mindset that the American Dream is to own a home? Cold hard facts are just that…cold and hard. In this video you will hear a dispassionate view of housing. This video reminded me of a conversation I had years ago with my Great Grandma Mider…. …about the Great Depression. She told stories of true hardship. During the Great Depression there weren’t government programs in place to help people like there are now. You may not agree with all the government intervention and ‘excessive spending’ that has been going on for […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo forms training, distressed property designation, fannie mae, foreclosure, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, REO listing agent, Short Sale Training
What is a HUD 203k Mortgage? Its the perfect home loan for anyone who wants to buy a fixer-up home and doesn’t have a lot of upfront cash. With an over-abundance of REOs hitting the market there is a huge opportunity to buy a home at a deep discount. Smart buyers look for the proverbial ‘Diamond in the rough’. The challenge is how to get a home that needs repair financed. Enter, the 203k Mortgage. 203(k) – How It Is Different Most mortgage financing plans provide only permanent financing. That is, the lender will not usually close the loan and […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Financing, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, distressed property designation, Federal Reserve System, hafa short sale forms, harris real estate university, real estate training, REO listing agent, tim harris
Did you purchase a home in 2008…(Agents, did you sell a home to your buyer clients in 2008)? If the $7500 first time home buyer tax credit was used to purchase the home…its payback time. Unlike the buyer ‘credits’ that came in 2009 and extended into 2010 the 2008 $7500 credit was in essence a loan. Now, that loan is due. For many people who purchased a home for the first time in 2008, it’s payback time. It sounded like a great deal: become a first-time homebuyer and pocket up to $7,500 in a tax credit. But if you bought that […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bank of america short sale, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, distressed property designation, fannie mae, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, national association of realtors, real estate training, real estate university, realtor coaching
Question: Where are all the REO Listings? Answer: They are coming…and coming NOW! The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) released its December Monthly Report which showed that the agencies Real Estate Owned (REO) inventory was at 60,739 at the end of December, up 9.5 percent from 55,488 in November, and up 47.5 percent from December 2009. The report estimates the current value of its REO properties to be $9.1 billion. Combined with the two GSE’s, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the U. S. Government holds roughly 360,000 REO Properties. In its annual financial status report to Congress in November, the FHA […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, Financing, How To List REO’s, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, real estate training short sale – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, distressed property designation, fannie mae, foreclosure, foreclosure listings, freddie mac, hafa forms, Harris Realtor Coaching, HREU, real estate training
We don’t know Professor White. But, we appreciate what he is saying…and now, what he is DOING. Dr. White has taken the strategic default movement out of the shadows on a national scale. He advocates owners walking away from their underwater homes through a foreclosure. We don’t. We advocate that agents help strategically defaulting owners avoid a foreclosure through a short sale. Simple fact is, a short sale is in almost every case a vastly superior alternative to a foreclosure. Agents, read this blurb about Professor Whites seminar. He has a seminar where he expects to have 600 underwater owners […] Click Here To View More
Breaking Real Estate News, National Real Estate News & Comment, Real Estate Coaching & Market News, real estate training short sale – #1 real estate coach, #1 realtor coach, 2011 real estate predictions, bpo assignments, bpo forms training, distressed property designation, fannie mae, Harris Realtor Coaching, real estate training, stretegic default, tim and julie harris